2023 AACO National Meeting
There was a lot of excitement surrounding this meeting!
Both our second year students, Jenny and John, presented at the student symposium.
Shelley received the Lancaster Award which is the highest honor our organization can bestow on a member.
Dr Hunter received the Scobee Memorial Award and gave an impressive lecture on surgery for orthotropic patients.
2023 Tufts Graduation Ceremony
Class of 2023 Graduation Dinner-Congratulations Peyton!
World Orthoptic Day June 5, 2023

“How not to wear a patch” as demonstrated by the orthoptists at Tufts Medical Center in honor of World Orthoptic Day
Pictured to the left : (left to right) Veronica, Shelley, Peyton
2023 Boston Children’s Ophthalmology Foundation Winter Gathering

2022 Graduation Brunch-Congratulations Veronica!

Orthoptics pride at Boston Children’s Hospital

I am a Certified Orthoptist because…
February 25, 2022, Boston Children’s Hospital.
Pictured: front row-Fran; back row, left to right-Sam, Kaila, Taylor, Kristyn
Class of 2020

Congratulations May! You are officially a Certified Orthoptist.
Pictured left to right: Kristyn, Kaila, May, Sarah W
Teaching and learning about orthoptics during a pandemic 2020

Lectures are being hosted over Zoom by orthoptists from both Boston Children’s Hospital and Tufts Medical Center to keep everyone safe.