
The BOFP is a 24-month comprehensive, accredited program by the American Orthoptic Council.

We accept a maximum of 2 students per year.

Clinical Education

  • Areas of staff expertise include pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, orthoptics
  • You will see over 1250 patients of all ages and abilities with binocular vision disorders
  • This will be done at both Boston Children’s Hospital and at Tufts Children’s Hospital
  • Clinical teaching is done alongside medical students, residents and fellows.

The program is structured such that students are required to be in full time attendance Monday-Friday (approximately 40 hours/week)

A kid wearing an eye patch.
A doctor putting an eye patch on a child to preform an eye test.


  • These are a mixture of in person, wet lab and web based lectures. These vary from week to week.
  • All instructors give lectures and often there will be quizzes and exams on the material given. These are generally announced with adequate time to review the material and are done during clinic hours.
  • Lectures and skills covered: Anatomy, neuroanatomy, sensory physiology and pathology, motor physiology, supranuclear control systems for eye movements, pharmacology, ophthalmic optics, vision testing, diagnostic testing, normal and abnormal vision development, strabismus, systemic diseases with ocular motor involvement, nystagmus, ophthalmic disorders, embryology and infant and child development, medical genetics and selected syndromes with eye findings, non- surgical treatment of sensory and motor abnormalities, and principles of strabismus surgery.
a circle painted with fish and hung on a wall in a row.

Other Academic Activities

  • Complete one major research project
  • Give a presentation at a regional or national meeting
  • Attend journal clubs
  • Attend morning conferences
  • Participate in chart review sessions