Pediatric Environmental Health Center | Competency Based Objectives

Region 1 PEHSU Pediatric Environmental Health Fellowship

Training Program Director: Alan Woolf, MD, MPH, FAACT, FAAP, FACMT
Copyright 2019, All Rights Preserved



 Appropriate history & physical exam skills
 Proper telephone triage of patient-related issues
 Proper management of ill patients

Evaluation: Electronic form in New Innovations with 9-point scale
Form with 5-point scale. Qualitative comments encouraged.

 Identify the appropriate laboratory and radiology work-up for specific patient presentations
 Detailed understanding of diagnosis and management of childhood lead poisoning
 Evaluation of the child with developmental issues that may be related to environmental exposures

Evaluation: Electronic form in New Innovations with 9-point scale
Form with 5-point scale. Qualitative comments encouraged.
In-service exam

 Develop and initiate treatment plans based on institutional standards
 Learn to locate, review and assimilation of evidence from appropriate scientific studies
 Complete Institute for Healthcare Improvement electronic modules on improvement of the quality of clinical care & patient safety
 Develop skills for lifelong learning
 Improve clinical practice
A. Analyze medical errors and issues for quality improvement and develop a project to improve care
B. Use evaluations from faculty, mentors, peers, patients, learners, other professionals

Evaluation: Electronic form in New Innovations with 9-point scale
Form with 5-point scale.
Qualitative comments encouraged.
Monitoring of selected clinical metrics via chart review 12

 Establish consultant-type relationship with families
 Establish longitudinal relationship with families who have children with environment-related diseases
 Learn how to describe treatment plans and obtain consent for treatment
 Maintain comprehensive and timely medical records
 Communicate with referring physicians and relevant community-based, governmental, and non-governmental agency personnel
 Learn how to describe protocols
A. Clarify research objectives in contrast to standard treatment objectives
B. Clarify alternative treatment possibilities

Evaluation: Electronic form in New Innovations with 9-point scale.
Form with 5-point scale. Qualitative comments encouraged.
360-degree evaluation

 Learn proper interactions and team work with other subspecialists, referring physicians, community-based nurses, and other professionals
 Demonstrate ethical behavior, respect, and responsiveness to needs of patients and families
A. Responsibility, integrity, honesty, empathy
B. Patient/family privacy, confidentiality, autonomy
C. Cultural competency

Evaluation: Electronic form in New Innovations with 9-point scale.
Form with 5-point scale. Qualitative comments encouraged.
360-degree evaluation

 Practice quality health care, utilizing community-based resources
 Understand financial and other stressors on families of children with environmental issues
 Understand how insurance status and home health care situation affects patient care decision-making
 Learn advocacy for families and communities with respect to environmental health issues
 Understand different health care systems
 Understand cost-effective health care and resource allocation
 Assist families in dealing with systems demands and complexities
 Worker with other health care managers and external providers
 Advocate for the promotion of pediatric environmental health on a societal level

Evaluation: Electronic form in New Innovations with 9-point scale.
Form with 5-point scale. Qualitative comments encouraged.