Division of General Pediatrics | Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship

Our Mission

To train academic leaders in the field of pediatric hospital medicine by providing advanced experiences in hospital-based clinical care, medical education, quality improvement, and clinical research.

Program Description

Children’s Hospital Inpatient Services (CHIPS) was created in 1998 and is one of the oldest pediatric hospitalist programs in the country. The CHIPS program is committed to providing outstanding clinical care for hospitalized pediatric patients, education of our pediatric house staff and medical students, as well as performing meaningful clinical research and serving in many healthcare quality improvement roles.

As part of this commitment, the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital was created to offer focused training and strong mentorship in delivering optimal care for hospitalized children, medical education, clinical research, quality improvement, clinical informatics, and health services research.

The two-year curriculum includes dedicated core rotations as a supervising attending for our general pediatric inpatient services, as well as exposure to other general areas of hospital-based medicine; complex care delivery, newborn care, sedation, critical care, and co-management with non-medical services. Individualized rotations are tailored to the interests of the fellow and may include but are not limited to transport medicine, palliative care, transitions to adult care, acute pain management, and child abuse/neglect.

The core curriculum also includes general training in hospital systems and academic scholarship; Medical Education, Patient Safety, Advocacy, Clinical Research, Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Medicine, Leadership, and Business Administration. Further scholarship and Master’s degree-based academic programs through Harvard include but are not limited to the following: Public Health, Health Services Research, Education, and Clinical Informatics.

Program Overview / Curriculum

Two-year curriculum units

Core Clinical Systems & ScholarshipIndividualized Curriculum
Required 700
Flexible (Tailored to fellow’s career path)288
Total Units988

Educational Unit = 4 weeks

Fellows enrolled will also have the opportunity to participate in the following national conferences:

  • Pediatric Academic Society
  • Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellows Conference
  • Pediatric Hospital Medicine
  • APA Meetings
  • AAP National Conference and Exhibition
  • Society of Hospital Medicine

Application Process

The Boston Children’s Hospital Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Program participates in the Pediatric Specialties Fall Match and will use the Common Application found on the PHM Fellowship website: http://phmfellows.org/phm-fellowship-application/.

  • September 23, 2020: Match opens
  • October 28, 2020: Rank order list entry opens
  • December 2, 2020: Rank order list deadline
  • December 16, 2020: MATCH DAY

Applications must include the following:

  • fellowship application (common application)
  • medical school transcript
  • updated curriculum vitae
  • three letters of recommendation (including residency program director)
  • photo identification

Fellowship Directors

Sarah C. McBride, MD 
Program Director, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Program
Boston Children’s Hospital
Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
300 Longwood Avenue
Enders Building Room 128
Boston, MA 02115
Phone (617) 355-2818
Fax (617) 730-0875

Jonathan Mansbach, MD, MPH
Chief, Children’s Hospital Inpatient Service; Associate Chief, Division of General Pediatrics
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Boston Children’s Hospital
Department of Pediatrics, Divisions of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
300 Longwood Avenue
Main Building, 9th floor South
Boston, MA 02115

Fellowship Coordinator

Hailey Noble
Program Coordinator, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Program
Boston Children’s Hospital
Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics
300 Longwood Avenue
Enders Building
Boston, MA 02115
Phone (617) 355-5859