Introduction to Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy
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Welcome to Boston Children’s Hospital’s online Introduction to Pediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy. This module provides key concepts and procedural demonstrations for performing flexible bronchoscopies in infants and children. It provides an orientation for pediatric fellows in advance of live simulation training, as well as knowledge and skill maintenance for experienced bronchoscopists.
- The module is comprised of sections with sub topics. You must work through the module sections and topics in the order presented. Once you have completed a section or topic, you can go back to it, but you can’t move forward until you complete the previous section or topic.
- Selecting “Finish Activity” will advance you to the next section or topic. You can move among completed sections or topics with either the menu on the right, or with the links in the content pages.
- When you have completed all module content, including tests and assessments, the progress bar will fill in with green completely, and all check marks will be green.
- Self Assessment: Completing before/after self assessments about your comfort level with pediatric flexible bronchoscopy concepts and procedures will help us gauge impact. Please be sure to select “Submit” on the assessment forms.
- Pre/Post tests: You must complete the same quiz prior to starting and upon completion of the course, so that we can assess knowledge acquisition and efficacy of course content.
- Note that all videos in the course can be viewed in full screen by selecting the icon in the bottom right corner of the video player. To leave full screen mode, select the icon again or escape on your keyboard.
Overview Video