Medical Staff Organization Online Modules
Course Credit
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You must be registered for this website and logged in to access the modules. As an MSO member you should have been pre-registered and enrolled. Select ‘Start’ above to log in, or ‘Login’ at the top of the page. Once logged in, select the ‘My Profile’ at the top of the page, then the ‘Courses’ tab. If you are having difficulty with access, please contact: cmedepartment@childrens.harvard.edu.
Welcome to the Medical Staff Organization (MSO) online continuing education modules. These courses have been specifically designed for the MSO for the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine CE and Risk Management requirements for license renewal. Content development is led by the President of the MSO and leadership team along with the Continuing Education (CE) Department. Modules will be presented by highly skilled practitioners, content will range from end of life care to COVID updates to legal topics. This is a virtual self-paced continuing education course, you can choose any module at any time. New content will be added on a regular basis.
NOTE: this site does not support single sign-on with your BCH network credentials, unique log-in is required. If you have successfully logged in to the site and do not see the modules listed below, please contact: cmedepartment@childrens.harvard.edu.
You must be logged in to this site to be able to access the modules. As an MSO member you been pre-registered for the site and the MSO Modules, and should have received a welcome email with instructions on completing your registration.
To log in and access the MSO Modules:
1. Select ‘Login’ at the top of the page and log in to the site.
2. If you you need to create a password or have forgotten your password, click on “Lost your password?” to receive an “reset password” link via email.
3. Once logged in, select ‘My Profile’ at the top of the page, and then select the ‘Modules’ tab. You should see a link to the MSO Modules.

In support of improving patient care, Boston Children’s Hospital is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

You may access and print certificates earned here any time. See the help tab for more on viewing/printing certificates. All credits will also be recorded on your CloudCME transcripts, which are available for download 24/7 in the “Transcripts” area of the portal – credits earned do not disappear from transcripts. https://bostonchildrens.cloud-cme.com/cme/?P=1001
You must be registered for this website to access modules. As an MSO member you should have been pre-registered. To log in and return to the MSO modules, select ‘Login’ at the top of the page, then select the ‘Modules’ tab under ‘My Profile’. If you do not see the MSO Modules listed below, please contact:
How to complete attestation for CME credit
Select the link under “Activities” to access the attestation question. Select the attestation option, and then click “Finish Activity” to record your attestation and display the “Print Certificate” button. Note that you do not have to print your certificate immediately, you can do so at a later date.

How to view/print certificates from your profile
To view/print a module certificate at any time after you have completed an activity, select ‘Modules’ under ‘Profile’ above, then select the arrow next to the module title.
All credits will also be recorded on your CloudCME transcripts, which are available for download 24/7 in the “Transcripts” area of the portal – credits earned do not disappear from transcripts. https://bostonchildrens.cloud-cme.com/cme/?P=1001