Sleep Health Course Evaluation Test Evaluation: Sleep Health Education for Pediatric Providers Thank you for attending a course accredited by Boston Children’s Hospital, we hope you enjoyed it. A program evaluation is a critical component of any program to gain valuable feedback to guide future implementation. The purpose of this evaluation is to better understand the program strengths, and identify areas for improvement. Please read each question below, and select the response that best matches your experience. All evaluation results are anonymous. Please complete the evaluation below in order to receive your certificate. The following questions are asked regarding the overall course, and content presented. Please answer accordingly: 1. Please identify your profession type(Required) Physician (MD/DO) Nurse Pharmacist Physician Assistant Psychologist Social Worker Optometrist Dentist Athletic Trainer Physical Therapist Dietitian Other Please specify2. Will you make clinical, teaching, research or administrative changes as a result of engaging in this course?(Required) Yes, please specify No What changes will you make?3. If you will NOT make changes as a result of taking this course, why not? Current practice is satisfactory I disagreed with the recommendations made Lack of time Lack of resources Lack of support for change by administration Costs Patient barriers Other Why will you not make changes? Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statements: 4. The educational activity helped to address, overcome, or remove barriers to change in my personal practice.(Required)Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree5. This course improved my ability to work efficiently with healthcare team members who do not share my same title or professional training.(Required)Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree6. This course improved my ability to communicate efficiently with healthcare team members who do not share my same title or professional training.(Required)Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree7. This course included six required modules and one optional module, do you think the number of required modules (6) was appropriate for the topic of sleep health?(Required) Prefer More Modules Prefer Fewer Modules The Number of Modules was Appropriate 8. Given the individual sleep health topic, do you think the length of each module was appropriate?(Required) Prefer Longer Modules Prefer Shorter Modules The Length of Modules was Appropriate 9. Do you think the time estimated to complete each modules was appropriate?(Required) Needed More Time Needed Less Time The Estimated Time Was Appropriate 10. Rank order the usefulness of the MODULES, with the MOST USEFUL at the top of the list and the LEAST useful at the bottom.Click and hold to drag an option up or down.Basics of Healthy SleepDevelopment and SleepSleep HealthConsequences of Healthy SleepSleep Health DisparitiesSleep Screening and EvaluationMelatonin11. Rank order the usefulness of the given PROGRAM ASPECTS, with the MOST USEFUL at the top and the LEAST useful at the bottom.Click and hold to drag an option up or down.TextVideoCase StudiesResources (e.g. resource guide with suggested website articles, etc.)Clinical PearlsQuizzes12. The program was interesting and engaging.(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree13. The program was easy to understand.(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree14. The program content was relevant to my practice.(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree15. Participation in the program was worthwhile.(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree16. The information I received was something I could act on in practice.(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree17. I would recommend this program to other pediatric providers.(Required) Yes No Don’t Know 18. Having completed the program, would you have preferred for the information to be delivered in another way?(Required) Yes No Don’t Know In which format would you rather receive the advice?(Required) Online Program Telephone counselling Education Materials Smartphone App Face-to-Face Virtual meeting (e.g., Zoom, Skype, Slack, MS Teams, etc.) Other Don’t Know Please specify what other type of format you would have preferred.19. Do you have any other feedback about the program?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.