WHAT’S INSIDE | Fertility Benefits and Support, Program for Post-Graduate Trainees, Article Recommendation, The Essential Role of Residents and Fellows as Teachers, Thank a Resident Day, Winter Wellness Event, Trainee Spotlights, Announcements .
WHAT’S INSIDE | Fertility Benefits and Support, Program for Post-Graduate Trainees, Article Recommendation, The Essential Role of Residents and Fellows as Teachers, Thank a Resident Day, Winter Wellness Event, Trainee Spotlights, Announcements .
WHAT’S INSIDE | Article Recommendation, A Day in the Life, Trainee Spotlight, Bias-Free Training, GME Happenings, CAPS.
WHAT’S INSIDE | Healthcare Administration Elective, GME Trainee Spotlights, Transcription Services on Zoom, Article Recommendation: Bridge Builders: A Qualitative Study of Fellows’ Successful Supervision of Residents, GME Housestaff Red Sox Outing.
WHAT’S INSIDE | Changes in Leadership for GME, Change in Leadership for UME, Steps to Academic Promotion at
Harvard Medical School, Keeping Track of Your Complement, GME Trainee Spotlight
WHAT’S INSIDE | GME Trainee Spotlights
WHAT’S INSIDE | Curriculum for Academic & Professional Success (CAPS Program), GME Trainee spotlights, Tips for your CV, Top 10 patient concerns in 2021, HSQIC Update, Virtual Interview Tips
WHAT’S INSIDE | GME Day Grand Rounds Emphasizes Clinical Benefits of Antiracism
Teaching in Medical Education, GME Day Meetings Review the Role of Medical Education in Addressing Issues of Equity & Diversity, GME Trainee Spotlight, Diane Brackett, MD, The Joint Commission Issues 2021 National Patient Safety Goals, The Match 2021
WHAT’S INSIDE | Trainee Spotlight: Jean Junior, MD, MPhil, Shawn Jackson, MD, Ph.D, Yanjia (Jason) Zhang, MD, Ph.D, Jaclyn Davis, MD, Sundus Mari, MD, Karyn Austin, MD, Ph.D & Ryan Kobayashi, MD
WHAT’S INSIDE | Wellness, Interviews Go Virtual, EPAs, Trainee Spotlight – Dr. Kevin Simon, MD, ACGME Pandemic FAQs
WHAT’S INSIDE | Upcoming Events; BCH Trainee Recruitment Goes ‘Virtual’; CAPS/NAM Wellness Poster; BCH Wellness Pledge; BCH Sets Goals in IDE; ACGME Timeline of Progress; 2020 Marshall Klaus Awards; BCH Wellness Poster