Faculty Highlights in Advocacy

Dr. Koehler obtained her M.D. from Heidelberg University in Germany. She trained in pediatrics at the Heidelberg Children’s Hospital and at Boston Children’s Hospital. She then joined the Boston Children’s Hospital Infectious Disease Division as a trainee and subsequently as staff. She obtained postdoctoral training in molecular genetics in the laboratory of Dr. Gerald Fink at the Whitehead Institute and now researches molecular pathogenesis and drug target development of the fungus Candida albicans. Her clinical areas of particular interest are fungal infections and immigrant health. She supports underserved and immigrant communities and is involved in many clinical and advocacy endeavors in this space.

Dr. Koehler highlights her immigrant health journey in the following essay:

Once I learned enough Spanish and Portuguese to hear my patient families’ stories directly from them, I began to realize that they were going through hardships of which I had no idea. Most horrifying was many parents’ all-pervasive and constant fear of deportation, and the actual deportations of parents while children stayed behind. Parents told me the address they gave to the hospital was not where they lived. A child I was seeing for a possible brain lesion stopped speaking or reading in school after his father was deported. Once I knew to pay attention, I heard and witnessed shocking situations in which basic humanity was denied to undocumented people.