Conference Prep: Holy Family 2023


This page will provide you with the necessary course information for the Holy Family Conference 2023. Please select the tab with your role.

Speaker Information


Thank you for agreeing to present at the Holy Family Conference 2023 on June 7, 2023. The conference will be held via Zoom. Please see below for important dates and information.

Important Dates

June 1June 1 May 22June 7
Slide Submission Here

Submit Learning Objectives Here

Submit MOC questions here

Submit Poll Questions
Disclosure Form

Speaker Agreement Form
Technical RehearsalConference


Speaker Agreement:

  • We ask that you sign a speaker agreement, by which you attest to reading and agreeing to the guidelines for online continuing education. There is a link to the guidelines in the speaker agreement. The guidelines include a description of the conditions under which you may use copyrighted images in your presentation.
  • As indicated in the speaker agreement, speakers are responsible for the content in their slides with regard to copyright and Patient Identifiable Information.
  • Consent form from any individuals featured in images or video.
  • Please submit the speaker agreement form as soon as possible, no later than June 1, 2023.

Presentation Slides

  • Please submit slides here by June 1, 2023.
  • The CME department will be reviewing presentations to ensure that they are copyright compliant.
  • If citations are missing or other revisions are indicated, we will ask you to revise and resubmit your slides.
  • If you have any questions about image citations, please reference the “Image Credits and Journal Citations” section below or contact:


MOC Part II credit will be offered for all sessions except the Meet the Professor discussions.  Please submit at least one assessment question for each presentation you will be giving, including explanations of correct and incorrect answers. If you are not giving a presentation (i.e., are a course director or only speaking in a Meet the Professor session), then you do not need to submit MOC questions.

Poll Questions

  • To increase audience interactivity, we are requesting speakers include poll questions for their presentations.
  • Speakers can opt to include poll questions in their slides using Poll Everywhere.
  • If you do not have a Poll Everywhere account, you can submit questions to be added to a Zoom poll.
  • The host will launch the Zoom poll when cued by the speaker during the webinar.
  • If you would like to use Zoom polls, please submit the poll questions, answer choices, and answers to

Learning Objectives

Image Credits and Journal Citations

  • Ideally, permission to use images in your presentation is granted by the rights holder, e.g. by a creative commons or other license, or is in the public domain.
  • As noted in the guidelines you are agreeing to, conference presentations fall under fair use, so copyrighted images may be used without permission.
  • In order for fair use to apply, source information for images must be provided.
  • If the image came from a journal article, include a complete journal citation (or as complete as you can).
  • For images that did not come a journal, include
    • “[image title] by,” if title is known, otherwise just use “image by” or “photo by”
    • the image owner’s name and the type of license that covers use of the image.
    • source, e.g., the website from with the image was downloaded
    • the license, if available

Image Citation Examples


Cuello‐Garcia CA, Mai SHC, Simpson R, Al‐Harbi S, Choong K. Early Mobilization in Critically Ill Children: A Systematic Review. J Pediatr. 2018;203:25‐33.

Image by Lukas Schlagenhauf, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-ND 2.0

Owner only, no permission

Photo (or Image) by Owner’s Name, Site Name.

Owner only, with permission

Photo (or Image) by Owner’s Name, Site Name. Used with permission.


BCH Branded Powerpoint Template

Department of Education Presentation Style Guide

Web Image Tools and Resources

BiorenderDrag/drop biological icons from a library to easy create illustrations and diagrams.
Google advanced image searchOn the initial results page, select “Tools” under the search field, then select the “Usage Rights” drop down to filter on creative commons result.
Creative Commons Image SearchFilter images by Creative Commons license type including commercial usage; browse collections by museums and other organization.
WikicommonsExtension of Wikipedia which includes images in the public domain, or with Creative Commons
PixabayFree online image database, licensed for public use. Images are not clinically specific.
FlickrUser generated images, some clinically specific. Use advanced Flickr search to find images OK for commercial use. Click “Any License” near top left to drop down options list. Then choose “Commercial use allowed.”

Course Director Information

Important Dates

May 1May 1May 1 June 7
Application ApprovedFinalized ScheduleFinalized Faculty ListConference

*We understand that faculty lists may change closer to the conference.

Marketing Information

Marketing Schedule

DateDateDateJune 7
Email 1Email 2Email 3Conference

*Marketing emails will be sent to course directors for approval.