Conference Prep: Annual Grice Day
Thank you for agreeing to present at the Annual Grice Day on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. The conference will be held via Zoom. Please see below for important dates and information.
What we need from you:
DISCLOSURE: a signed disclosure form is required for participation in the conference.
SPEAKER AGREEMENT: We ask that you sign a speaker agreement, by which you attest to reading and agreeing to the guidelines for online continuing education. There is a link to the guidelines in the speaker agreement. The guidelines include a description of the conditions under which you may use copyrighted images in your presentation. If you would like assistance in determining the copyright compliance of your presentation, please submit your slides via Dropbox by the date below.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: please include 3 (plus or minus) learning objectives at the beginning of your slides. It is best practice to determine your objectives for your learners prior to developing your presentation, and then shape your talk to meet the objectives.
Week of 11/29 | 12/3 | 12/15 | |
Technical Rehearsal | OPTIONAL: Submit slides to post for download by attendees | Conference |