Brachial Plexus Forum Help

Post on a Thread

  1. To make a post on the discussion forum, select one of the listed topics.
  2. Click on the topic title link to go to the discussion thread.
  3. Once on the topic thread, click “Subscribe.”
  4. On the topic thread, scroll down to the blank textbox and type in your message.
  5. Check the “Notify me” checkbox if you would like to receive email notifications for follow-up replies to your message. *You also must be subscribed to the thread to receive notications.*
  6. Click submit to post your message to the discussion thread.

Post a Reply

To post a reply on a thread:

  1. Select the topic thread that you would like to post your reply.
  2. Click on the topic title.
  3. Once on the topic thread, make sure that you are subscribed. If not, click “Subscribe.”
  4. Select the post that you would like to reply to. Once on the post, click the gray “Reply” button.
  5. In the message field, type in your follow-up reply message.
  6. Check the “Notify Me” checkbox if you would like to receive notifications about follow-up replies to your message. *You must also be subscribed to the thread to receive notifications.*
  7. Click “Submit” to post your reply.

New Topic Thread

To create a new topic thread:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the forum page.
  2. In the “Topic Title” field under Create New Topic in “Brachial Plexus Birth Injuries: Community Provider Learning Modules,” enter the title for a new thread.
  3. In the message field, type in a message to be posted on the thread.
  4. Check the “Notify Me” checkbox if you would like to receive notifications about follow-up replies to your message. *You must also be subscribed to the thread to receive notifications.* To do so, click the “Subscribe” button at the top of the thread.
  5. Click “Submit” to post your reply. You will then be brought to the new topic thread page.